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FAQs / T&Cs
Additional Information.
Here we shine a light on some commonly asked questions and more information about The White Shadow Foundation. If your question isn't answered, please get in touch with us to learn more.
Why do people give to The White Shadow Foundation?Our mission is to provide direct benevolent relief to individuals experiencing hardship, and to organisations and charities serving on the frontlines. Funds raised through donations are also allocated towards developing life-affirming social issue documentary projects that inspire people to rise above their current situation. The projects are strategically screened throughout Australia, helping to raise awareness amongst local communities about the issues we support. Together we can accelerate our giving capacity and reach people in immediate need. So why not give a little and help back some of the brightest minds in the not-for-profit space.
Where is my money being spent?Your donation to The White Shadow Foundation helps fund numerous and large scale projects all across Australia. The scope of these initiatives drill down into five key areas in society, which we have identified as critically important. Some of our key goals include: 1. Domestic and Family Violence; donations enable our grant beneficiaries to continue to provide shelter, resources, and care for countless women and families in DV situations. The Sanctuary Estate will be our flagship operation which exists to shelter, serve, and protect up to 130 women, children and babies each year who are trying to escape domestic and family violence. 2. Homeless Shelters and Support; to provide substantial monetary assistance to homeless charities and organisations throughout Australia, and direct funding grants to individuals 'living rough'. 3. Mental Health Initiatives; deploy funds to mental health support organisations. Also targeting extreme rural areas in Australia, where services are hard to access for individuals living remotely. Donations are also directed towards PTSD recovery courses. 4. Child Protection; partner with and distribute funds to charities that combat, and raise awareness about child sexual abuse and trafficking, helping parents know what to look for in protecting their children on-line and off-line. Assisting families coming to grips with a child being sexually abused. 5. Mothers and Newborns; donations help distribute large scale resource packs assisting mothers and their newborns experiencing hardship. Also funds women's counselling and support services post-birth. We also produce social issue documentaries about our key focus areas. The first film in the Value Of Human Life series, explores the subject matter of child protection and sex trafficking. It was recently completed and is currently being distributed worldwide via Gravitas Ventures.
How important are donations to The White Shadow Foundation?We receive no government funding and rely solely on individual giving capacities as well as our corporate supporters. Your generosity means we can continue to fund vital support programs around Australia. Namely: improving the standard of living for the homeless population, the safety of women in domestic violence situations, protecting children against sexual abuse and trafficking, the continued assistance in connection to mental illness, and the boost to provide more assistance to mothers and their newborns experiencing hardship.
Why Do You Help Other Charities?Our mission and vision has always been to help others. Existing charities are already out and about in the community making a difference. So we figure, why not lend a helping hand and extend the impact they can make. At the end of the day it means that more disadvantaged and marginalised people are reached. That's a win in our book!
How can I become a Corporate Supporter?Thank you for your interest in becoming a Corporate Supporter. Please call us or email for more information and benefits. Our Corporate Supporters access additional perks and rewards for their valued partnership throughout the year, such as: social media, radio and print advertising exposure, multiple gift cards and entries into the draw to win Samsung and iPhones.
What is the Annual Samsung and iPhone Giveaway?The White Shadow Foundation offers our supporters the chance to win a new Samsung or iPhone after one (1) full year of donating. Winners choose a preferred phone up to the value of $1,500.00 and can top up the balance if required. In order to enter the yearly phone draw, donors must become a regular donor (12 consecutive months), with minimum weekly donations equating to $5.00 or more. The White Shadow Foundation notifies winners via email, within seven (7) business days after the close of your annual giving period. We will organise secure and fast postage and handling. Email or call us anytime for more information.
Our Event Line-ups.The White Shadow Foundation's annual event line-ups have something for everyone! We host our donors at charity golf tournaments, onboard luxury super yachts, at unique social issue documentary screenings, plus our charity bike ride down the east coast of Australia. Supporters can also secure tickets to our smaller fundraisers such as Paint & Sip events, and come along to our Trivia/Comedy nights. Events include; guest red carpet upon arrival, emcees, keynote speakers, auctions, live music and entertainment, raffles, food and refreshments. Each one of our events is an opportunity to come together to have fun and learn more about the charity’s current work, achievements and philanthropy endeavours.
Below you will find our Donor information policies:
Donor Terms
Collection Statement
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